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Green up!

It is probably no coincidence that AWF Wrocław likes the colour green.  It is the colour of our university, our playing fields and also our green approach to the environment. Our university undoubtedly has a beautiful campus. Lots of greenery and trees, space for relaxation and sports games. We appreciate it, but we also take care of it: we trim, we weed and keep it tidy. Even now when it’s grey and cloudy, don’t think that our academic community is resting on its laurels. We’re working – in business and in private – to keep us all happy.


We keep areas that require it clean, i.e. sports fields, roads and pavements – for safety. Places that do not require it are left covered. This is because leaves insulate the ground, protect plants and small grubs and hedgehogs that live in the soil. Hedgehogs have special overwintering places in the form of piles of dried leaves that are protected from the wind by nets. We have such places on our campus and have marked them with a special sign. We also have a plaque to mark the habitat of the protected capricorn beetle (the largest insect in our country).


Our trees not only decorate the university space, but also play an important role in stopping carbon emissions, which contributes to the fight against global warming. Last week we began planting trees.  With the help of Konar Dominik Pęcherski company and Green Space Supervisor Mr Piotr Reda, we will have 37 new trees by the end of the year.

Bird feeding

In order to help the birds survive the difficult winter time, we have installed bird feeders. We throw grainy treats – wheat, corn, sesame, linseed, sunflower or oats – to our little brothers. A team from the Procurement Office should be reported to the club of the positively crazy. There, they start the day by running a canteen for their titmice, finches, chaffinches, nuthatches, cinderpods, wrens, jays, sparrows and pipits. In return, they are accompanied throughout the working day by the birds’ treble and bird dance individually and in arrangements. It’s a beautiful sight – well worth a visit to soothe your shattered nerves.

Nest boxes

This task was taken on by the Erasmus team. After all, their main slogan ‘Erasmus goes green’ obliges. During an international workshop some time ago, they talked about the birds that live on the grounds of the AWF, their habits and needs. The students made and decorated nesting boxes with their own hands. Another batch of boxes has just been handed over by Erasmus to the administrative and economic section, which will waterproof the wood and hang the houses on selected trees around January/February.

And until the spring!

Text Monika Ilecka-Folcik (Erasmus)

Green activities are supported by: Monika Grochowska, head of the administrative and economic section, and MA Roksana Barczyk, environmental and administrative specialist. “Positively crazy” from BZP: Wioletta Koziarzewska and Aleksandra Hanczyn

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